Department of Earth Sciences at the Natural Sciences Faculty
Organisation / Company : Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Department : Department of Earth Sciences at the Natural Sciences Faculty
Research Field : Other
Researcher Profile : Leading Researcher (R4)
Positions : Postdoc Positions
Country : Austria
Application Deadline : 12 Mar 2025 - 00 : 00 (Europe / Brussels)
Type of Contract : Permanent
Job Status : Full-time
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
The professorship Deep Time in Paleontology will represent the disciplines of Paleontology and Stratigraphy in research and teaching within the Department of Earth Sciences and the NAWI Graz Geocenter. The Department aims to increase the proportion of women in highly qualified positions and is looking for a person of high international standing who will also strengthen the Earth Sciences in terms of equal opportunities strategies. The research focus may include – but is not limited to – the evolution of organisms in Earth's history, their taxonomy and systematics, and stratigraphy, including the interaction of organisms with the Earth’s systems. The candidate is expected to use and develop the analytical infrastructure at the NAWI Graz Geocenter. Cooperation partnerships with other disciplines and analytically-oriented research groups within the NAWI Graz Geocenter (NAWI Graz Central Lab; NAWI Graz Core Facility) is requested. The candidate is expected to integrate into the multidisciplinary Field of Excellence ’Climate Change Graz’ within the University of Graz. The professorship contributes teaching to the bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate programmes supported by the department, particularly in the fields of paleontology and stratigraphy. We also expect gender mainstreaming skills.
Where to apply
E-mail : [email protected]
Research Field : Other
Education Level : PhD or equivalent
Skills / Qualifications
Specific Requirements
The University of Graz is committed to increasing the proportion of female employees, especially in leadership roles. We therefore encourage qualified female colleagues in particular to apply for this position. In case of equal qualifications, women will receive priority consideration.
Please submit your application documents (in German or English) in accordance with the general application guidelines (which can be found at https : / / / en / appointment-procedure / ) before the stated deadline. Your application documents should include the reference number of the position and be sent by email to : [email protected]. For further information please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Kurz at +43 (0) 316 / 380 - 5588.
Additional Information
The minimum remuneration as stated in the Collective Bargaining Agreement is EUR 92.460,20 gross per year. Salary subject to negotiation.
Eligibility criteria
The successful candidate will be highly motivated, aiming for academic excellence and integrity in research and teaching. He / she will have demonstrated ability to collaborate constructively in a responsible manner and inspire colleagues and students in an interdisciplinary, internationally oriented context. We offer a diverse, challenging, team-oriented working environment and a high degree of personal responsibility. Working hours are flexible and there are many options for further education and personal development.
Selection process
Please submit your applications stating the reference number BV / 27 / 98 ex 2023 / 24 by March 12th 2025 at the latest. For information about the application procedures and other prerequisites, please visit / en / . Planned dates of the applicant’s presentation : 25.-26.09.2025.
Work Location(s)
Number of offers available : 1
Company / Institute : Department of Earth Sciences at the Natural Sciences Faculty
Country : Austria